Ski Boot Shopping Tips. Any skier out there who has spent an entire day out on the hill will tell you that there is one piece of equipment that can really make or break your skiing experience: your alpine ski boots. Sure, all your ski gear is important, and each has their specific function to make your ski day the best day, but these are giant cases of plastic molded around your foot that. Chapter 30 Sample Multiple Choice Problems. The atomic mass unit is defined as a. The mass of a proton.
1.1 Useful constants
electron charge=4.8x10-10 esu=1.6x10-19C
electron mass= 9.1 x10-28gm
1.05 x10-27 ergs-s=6.58 x10-16 eV
Avogardro number= 6.022x1023 /mol
Boltzmann's constantk = 1.380658 x 10-23 J/K=8.617 x 10-5 eV/K
1.2.Energy conversion factors
1 eV = 8065.54 cm-1
1 a.u = 27.211396 eV = 219 474.63 05 cm-1 =2 Ry
1 Ry = 13.6057 eV
1 degree kelvin=0.0862 meV(energy units for cold atoms)
= 0.695 cm-1
1 Kcal/mol= 0.0434 eV = 43.4 meV(energy units used by chemists)
1 GHz in photon à 4.13x10-6 eV(energy units by laser physicists)
photon momentum (a.u.)k= 2.7 x10-4 E (eV)
de Broglie wavelengthfor electron:(in ;( at 100 eV is 1.22
Carnage racing 1 0. 1.3. Atomic units(au)e==m=1
Unit oflength=a0=Bohr radius=0.529(
Unit of velocity= = v0 = electron velocity in the first Bohr orbital= αc
Atomic 1 0 4 0 6
(: fine structure const)
Unit of time = a0/αc= 24.2 asec(1 fs=41 au)asec=10-18 sec(attosecond)
Unit of frequency= v0 /a0= 4.13 x1016 sec-1
Unit of Electric field= 5.14x109 V/cm =e/a02
Atomic 1 0 4 0 L
Unit of Magnetic field= 2.35 x105 tesla Casino joy free slots.
Unit of magnetic dipole moment=Bohr magneton=µB=e/2m=5.79x10-5 eV/Telsa
Unit of electric dipole moment=ea0
1.4.Short hand notations
109=giga, 1012 =tera;1015= peta ;1018 =exa ; 1021=zetta ;1024=yocto
10-9=nano 10-12 =pico;10-15=femto; 10-18=atto;10-21=zepto;10-24=yotta
1.4. Lasers
For 1 oA, photon energy= 455.71 aufor 800 nm ->
laser peak intensity (linear polarized) =3.54 x1016 W/cm2
UP=E2/4=9.33 I(1014 W/cm2)(inm)
Atomic 1 0 4 0 3
( 6eV for 800 nm at 1014 W/cm2)
Keldysh parameter Konami slots code.
time-frequency width relation:
Atomic 1/27
Gaussian pulse
(is FWHM in time domain)
width in eV for a Gaussian pulse with is 1.83 eV
1.5. Oscillator strength and transition rates
A= 2*(E2/c3) f (4.13 x1016) 1/sec
where E is in a.u. , c=137.03604 and f is the oscillator strength for emission
Iramdisk 3 6 8 – create a ram disk imager. 1.6 pressure
1 atm=1.01x105 Pa= 760 Torr =1.013 bar
1 mbar= 0.75 Torr
Atomic 1 0 4 0 1
width in eV for a Gaussian pulse with is 1.83 eV
1.5. Oscillator strength and transition rates
A= 2*(E2/c3) f (4.13 x1016) 1/sec
where E is in a.u. , c=137.03604 and f is the oscillator strength for emission
Iramdisk 3 6 8 – create a ram disk imager. 1.6 pressure
1 atm=1.01x105 Pa= 760 Torr =1.013 bar
1 mbar= 0.75 Torr
Atomic 1 0 4 0 1
1 psi= 51.7 torr = 0.068 atom
1.7. Binding energies and equilibrium distance Sketch 3 8 3 – vector drawing application.
Kr: 14.0 eV, Xe: 12.3 eV
N2: 15.6 eV, 17.2 eV, 18.7 eVRO=1.10 A,N2+: 1.12A
O2: 12.3 eV, 16.7 eV, 18.2 eVR0= 1.21 A,O2+: 1.12A
CO2: 13.8 eV, 17.6 eV, 18.1 eV